常见问题 (FAQ)





1. 進入路徑: 點擊面試信件中的「測試網址」或是面試網頁中的「模擬面試」


2. 測試說明: 閱讀自我測試說明
3. 輸入 Email: 以便後續將自我測試結果寄給您
4. 個資條款: 同意相關條款
5. 進入環境測試


6. 音量測試: 確保麥克風已正常開啟。


7. 系統說明: 本次面試總題數、總時間。
8. 環境測試: 請確認您的燈光、背景是否適當。
9. 進入正式自我測試


10. 思考時間: 讓您思考及準備題目的作答。
11. 題號
12. 題目及思考、作答時間
13. 倒數提示: 倒數完畢,自動進入作答畫面。

14. 作答時間: 右上角顯示「REC」圖示
15. 倒數時間條
16. 跳至下題: 超過 15 秒後,可跳至下一題。


17. 上傳進度: 影片上傳時,請勿關閉網頁喔~


18. 面試完成: 收到系統通知信,並可檢視自我測試結果。


19. 檢視測試結果: 撥放影片,確認音量及畫面一切適宜後,就可以進行正式面試了!


1. 請問您可以看到您的影像嗎?
→ 確保錄影時,相機鏡頭仍能正常運作

2. 試著面對鏡頭並微笑,態度自然地說幾句話。
→ 練習如何自然地面對鏡頭,

3. 請您用一分鐘作個自我介紹
→ 模擬正式作答的情境,試著如面對面般地作答。



1. 確保面試設備及環境是否適宜。
2. 可熟悉錄影面試流程
3. 可檢視面試影片狀況
(自我測試說明請參考: http://hrda.pro/home/faq/self-video-interview-test )


請使用 Chrome 瀏覽器

建議下載 HRDA App 進行面試,若無法使用 App 面試,也務必使用 Chrome 開啟面試網頁。
(Gmail、Line…等 App 皆不支援。)
※ iOS 系統,由於 Apple 有相機存取限制,因此在 iPhone 手機僅能使用 HRDA App 進行面試。


•建議網路頻寬上傳速度至少 10MB/s,正式面試前,可至此網址測速:http://hrda.pro/speedtest/



  1. 注意一下您的周遭環境,光線是否足夠明亮
  2. 麥克風收音是否正常
  3. 穿著打扮整齊健康合宜即可,不用特別 (除非公司有特別規定)

Can I try any test before the formal interview?

Yes, click the link below:
You can do the self-test before formal video interview to check your video quality!

The SOP of self-test is as following:

1. Access Path: Click the test link in an invitation letter or interview page.


2. Self-test Description:  Read the description of self-test.
3. Enter your Email: The system will send you the result of self-test.
4. Agreed with Privacy Rules.
5. Enter “Environment Test .“


6. Volume Detection: Detect the microphone to make sure it’s turned on.


7. System Description: Total number of question, Total time.
8. Environment Test: Check your environment, background, and light.
9. Start the self-test!


10. Thinking Page
11. Question number 
12. Question content, notice of thinking time and answering time
13. Time Left:
At the top-right corner of the image.
When the countdown is over, it will go to “Answering Page” automatically.


14. Answering Page:  You can see the red spot with REC  words at the top-right corner of the image.
15. countdown timer 
16. Skip to the next question:  After 15 seconds, you can skip to the next question.


17. Uploading Status: Please wait for the upload completed.


18. Self-test Complete:
You will receive a notification email.
You can click the link to check the result of self-test.


19. Check the  Result:
Check the volume and image. If everything is ok, then do the formal interview.

Aim for questions:

1.Can you see yourself?
→ Make sure the camera works well when you’re interviewing.

2.Try to be accustomed to smiling for the camera and say something.
→ Practice for facing the camera with a natural smile, and test the speaking tone and volume.

3.Please introduce yourself in one minute.
→ Imitate the situation of the formal interview and try to answer the questions as you’re in a face-to-face interview.

Interview SOP for Web

Invitation Letter: When you get the invitation, choose the way to interview with the web.
*Notice: Doing the self-test before the formal interview can make sure your video quality.
(The self-test SOP is here: http://hrda.pro/home/faq/Self_test_en)


1. Interview Description: Read the description of the interview.
2. Do the equipment and environment test.
3. Agreed with Privacy Rules.
4. Enter “System Description“ page.


5. Volume Detection: Detect the microphone to make sure it’s turned on.


6. System Description: Total number of question, Total time.
7. Environment Test: Check your environment, background, and light.
8. Start the formal interview!
*Notice: It can’t be interrupted after you get into the formal interview.


9. Thinking Page
10. Question number
11. Question content, notice of thinking time and answering time
12. Time Left:
 At the top-right corner of the image.
When the countdown is over, it will go to “Answering Page” automatically.


13. Answering Page:  You can see the red spot with REC  words at the top-right corner of the image.
14. countdown timer 
15. Skip to the next question:  After 15 seconds, you can skip to the next question.


16. Uploading Status: Please wait for the upload completed.


*Notice: If you upload video failed during the formal interview, you will see the below alert.
Please repair your network, then press ”OK”.
DNOT close the window until the upload succeeded.


17. Interview Complete: You will receive a notification email.


*Notice: If you receive “Continued Letter”, your interview wasn’t done yet.
Please click the link in the continued letter, and do the left questions in 30 minutes.

Interview SOP for Mobile


Please do the self-test first, before the formal interview.

It has these advantages:
1. Check the status of equipment and environment,
2. Understand the process of video interview, and
3. Check your facial expression and volume in the video.


Please use CHROME to interview, and make sure your camera and microphone have turned on.

(It does not support the following browsers: IE, Edge, Firefox, and Safari.)

Please install the HRDA app to interview.

If you can’t use the app, please open the interview link with CHROME.
(It does not support the following App to interview: Gmail, Line, and others.)

※If you’re an iOS user, please use HRDA App to interview.

(Because Apple blocks the access authority of camera, we can not support the web interview on iPhone / iPad.)


•The suggested upload bandwidth is at least 10MB/s.
You can use the link below to test the speed: http://hrda.pro/speedtest/

•Before the interview, please keep the stable network and close the other applications and pages in the browser, which consume higher bandwidth.

Notes for Interview


Please do the self-test first, before the formal interview.

It has these advantages:
1. Check the status of equipment and environment,
2. Understand the process of video interview, and
3. Check your facial expression and volume in the video.


Please use CHROME to interview, and make sure your camera and microphone have turned on.

(It does not support the following browsers: IE, Edge, Firefox, and Safari.)

Please install the HRDA app to interview.

If you can’t use the app, please open the interview link with CHROME.
(It does not support the following App to interview: Gmail, Line, and others.)

※If you’re an iOS user, please use HRDA App to interview.

(Because Apple blocks the access authority of camera, we can not support the web interview on iPhone / iPad.)


•The suggested upload bandwidth is at least 10MB/s.
You can use the link below to test the speed: http://hrda.pro/speedtest/

•Before the interview, please keep the stable network and close the other applications and pages in the browser, which consume higher bandwidth.



(自我測試流程請見: http://hrda.pro/home/faq/self-video-interview-test )


1. 職缺說明: 閱讀職缺的面試說明。
2. 進行設備 & 環境測試
3. 同意相關服務條款
4. 進入「系統說明」頁面


5. 音量測試: 確保麥克風已正常開啟。


6. 系統說明: 告訴您本次面試總題數、總時間。
7. 環境測試: 確認您的燈光、背景是否適當。
8. 進入正式面試
*小叮嚀: 進入正式面試後,是無法被打斷的喔~


9. 思考時間: 讓您思考及準備待會的作答。
10. 題號
11. 題目與思考、作答時間的提示。
12. 倒數時間:


13. 作答時間: 下方影像呈現清晰狀態, 並且右上角有「REC」圖示。
14. 倒數時間條
15. 跳至下題:
 作答時間超過 15 秒後,即可跳至下一題。


16. 上傳進度: 請等影片上傳完畢,先別急著把網頁關掉喔。


*小叮嚀: 若您在面試時,網路連線不穩定或斷線導致上傳失敗,您將會看到下圖的警告訊息。


17. 面試完成: 收到系統寄發的面試完成通知信,整個面試就完成了!


*小叮嚀: 若您收到「繼續面試」信件,代表您的面試尚未成功,
請點擊信中連結,並在 30 分鐘內將面試完成。



收到面試邀請信後,下載並安裝 HRDA App,輸入面試代碼後 ,就可以進行面試囉~


1. 至 Google Play / App Store 搜尋「HRDA」
2. Android 版本: https://goo.gl/wDNHCj
iOS 版本: https://goo.gl/1351iV
3. 直接掃描下方 ORCode


1. 開啟 APP,點擊「模擬面試」
2. 閱讀說明並同意個資條款,按下「確認設備及環境」
3. 輸入電子郵件
4. 後續 APP 將會有導覽帶您進行整個自我測試流程


1. 輸入面試代碼: 面試代碼會顯示於面試邀請信中。
2. 職缺說明: 閱讀職缺面試說明。
3. 同意相關服務條款
4. 進入「環境測試」頁面


5. 選擇前 / 後相機
6. 調整距離:
7. 環境測試: 確認燈光、背景是否適當,並測試麥克風音量。
8. 進入「系統說明」


9. 系統說明: 告訴您本次面試總題數、總時間。
10. 進入正式面試


11. 思考畫面: 讓您思考及準備待會的作答。
12. 題號
13. 題目與思考、作答時間的提示
14. 剩餘秒數:


15. 正式作答: 將出現鏡頭影像及音量偵測
16. 題號及題目
17. 跳至下題: 
超過 15 秒後,即可跳至下一題。


*小叮嚀: 若您在面試時,網路連線不穩定或斷線導致上傳失敗,您將會看到下圖的警告訊息。


18. 面試完成: 影片上傳完成後,您會收到系統通知信,整個面試就完成了!


*小叮嚀: 若您收到「繼續面試」信件,代表您的面試尚未成功,
請點擊信中連結,並在 30 分鐘內將面試完成。


我用 Line 打开连结,不能显示画面欸?
使用 Chrome 以外的應用程式開啟連結,例如: Line、Gmail、Safari…等,會導致錄影畫面無法正常顯示。

目前僅支援 Chrome,請使用 Chrome 開啟智慧面試連結。
下載 Chrome: https://www.google.com.tw/chrome/browser/desktop/


我使用 Chrome 浏览器